Check out Auto Mart’s cheap-cars section!

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown in South Africa, many people are looking to trade in their vehicles for cheaper models or buy a car they can afford now. The lockdown has put a tremendous financial strain on South Africans and that’s why Auto Mart took the opportunity to launch a cheap-cars section that will help you find low-priced cars for sale quickly and easily!

Our recent dealer surveys have also shown that some dealerships are planning on offering more low-priced vehicles, which makes this new cheap-car section ideal for not only dealers but buyers as well.

Did you know car sales may continue under lockdown level 4!?

The government published new regulations on 12 May stating that passenger cars, light commercial vehicles, motorcycles, trailers, caravans and more can be sold during lockdown level 4, provided that the dealerships operate at a 30% capacity.

What is the cheap-cars section on Auto Mart?

The cheap-cars section on Auto Mart was created for vehicles that are sold as is (voetstoots), as well as vehicles that are sold for an amount lower than the average price of the vehicle. In this section, you’ll see that some of the vehicles will be marked as ‘Voetstoots Item’ while others will be marked as ‘Low-Priced Item’.

Find Cheap Cars For Sale On Auto Mart
Find Cheap Cars For Sale On Auto Mart

What is a voetstoots item?

On Auto Mart, a voetstoots item refers to a vehicle sold to you as is. This means that the seller won’t take any responsibility for any defects or problems on the vehicle after the vehicle has been sold to you. It is your responsibility as the buyer to ensure that the vehicle is in a decent condition and that you are happy with it before making a purchase. You can ask for a roadworthy certificate before buying.

Auto Mart Voetstoots Cars For Sale
Auto Mart Voetstoots Cars For Sale

What is a low-priced item?

Auto Mart makes use of comparisons to get the average price of a specific vehicle. If a vehicle gets listed for an amount below the average price, it gets flagged as a low-priced vehicle and will be listed in the normal-cars section, as well as the cheap-cars section.

Auto Mart Low-Priced Cars For Sale
Auto Mart Low-Priced Cars For Sale

You can still browse other vehicles

You will still be able to search through all the other vehicles listed on Auto Mart in the normal-cars section. Simply click on ‘Not looking for Cheap Cars?’ or visit ‘New & Used Cars’ and start your search.

Auto Mart Cheap Cars Section (Not looking for cheap cars)
Auto Mart Cheap Cars Section (Not looking for cheap cars)

You can still set up alerts

You can still set up alerts quickly and easily by filling in your email address at the bottom of the page on the ‘Get Alerts’ section or you can visit the ‘Get Alerts’ page on the menu and set up your alerts there.

So, what are you waiting for? Go have a look around our cheap-cars section today and find a great vehicle!

Check out Auto Mart’s cheap-cars section!
Article Name
Check out Auto Mart’s cheap-cars section!
The lockdown has put a tremendous financial strain on South Africans and that’s why Auto Mart took the opportunity to launch a cheap-cars section...
Publisher Name
Auto Mart
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