Motorcycle safety tips that can save your life

Motorcycle safety is an important consideration for anyone who owns a bike. Educating yourself on the laws of the road is just the first step in avoiding accidents. Whether you’re travelling on a motorcycle or in a car, you’ll also need to use your common sense to stay safe. Read our blog post to discover more about lowering the risk of accidents on the road.

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Wear the right gear

When it comes to motorcycle safety, wearing the right gear plays a vital role in reducing the risk of serious injuries. A helmet is vital even if you’re travelling short distances. If you don’t wear the proper headgear, your risk of suffering from a head injury is significantly higher. Investing in good quality protective clothing is also advisable. Leather clothing helps to protect your body if an accident takes place. You can also benefit from wearing gloves and boots. Make sure that you’re highly visible if you travel at night. You can increase your visibility by using reflective tape or clothing.

Motorcycle Safety | Motorcycle Gear | Auto Mart

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Obey traffic laws

Whether you’re travelling by motorcycle, truck, bus or car, it’s important to obey the rules of the road. This ensures your own safety as well as protecting other road users. Don’t exceed the speed limit. Not only could you land up with a hefty fine, you’ll also significantly increase the risk of an accident taking place. The faster you’re going, the longer it will take you to come to a halt in an emergency situation. Travelling at a reasonable speed makes it easier to avoid dangerous situations.

Motorcycle Safety - Obey Traffic Laws | Auto Mart

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Drive defensively

Driving defensively is applicable for both car and motorcycle safety. Make sure that you keep your headlights on for extra visibility and that you put your indicator on in advance when you’re changing directions. Motorcycle drivers should avoid being in the blind spots of cars and also be alert to turning vehicles.  Make sure that you’re sober when you get behind the wheel of your car or start up your motorcycle. It’s also essential to stay alert at all times. If you’re taking a longer trip, make sure that you take regular breaks so that you can maintain maximum concentration when you’re on the road.

Motorcycle Safety In South Africa | Auto Mart

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Stay educated

Driving education programmes are an excellent way to improve your skills on the road. They’ll also make sure that you have a comprehensive understanding of the road laws. You’ll learn strategies on how to respond to emergency situations as well as how to cope with potential hazards.

Motorcycle Safety | Advanced Driving Courses | Auto Mart

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Check your vehicle

It’s important to make sure that your motorcycle or vehicle is serviced regularly. Keeping your vehicle in good condition helps to reduce the risk of accidents. While a broken headlamp or indicator may seem like a minor issue to you, these problems can cause a serious accident when you’re on the road. While regular services are important to ensure that your vehicle is roadworthy, there are other checks that you’ll need to carry out more often. Check that your tyres are inflated properly and that they’re in good condition. Low pressure and excessive wear can put you at risk for an accident. It’s vital to check that all your lights are functioning properly, including the headlights and flickers. Watch out for oil or petrol leaks underneath your car or motorcycle as these are indicative of more serious problems. Coolant fluids should be checked weekly.

Motorcycle Checks & Repairs | Motorcycle Safety | Auto Mart

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Now that you know more about car and motorcycle safety, you can make sure that you know how to protect yourself on the road. Not only will you be safeguarding your own life, you’ll also be playing your part in reducing the number of injuries and deaths that are caused by road accidents.

Motorcycle safety tips that can save your life
Article Name
Motorcycle safety tips that can save your life
Motorcycle safety is an important consideration for anyone who owns a bike or any other vehicle for that matter. Educating yourself on the laws of the road is just the first step in avoiding accidents. Know how to protect yourself on the road by reading the motorcycle safety tips on our blog.
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Auto Mart
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