Car maintenance mistakes: What to avoid…

A lot of us like to spend the time and maintain and service our vehicles, but for those of you who are new to this task, there are a few things that you need keep in mind. As cars, engines and the technology used in them evolve and upgrade, the way in which we service them upgrades as well, and if you are unaware you might be doing some serious harm to your vehicle and could cause yourself long-term problems.


In the older days, motorists were recommended to change their oil more often, but as the times have changed, so has the oil. With today’s synthetic oils and improved car engines, you don’t need to change your oil that often. Make sure you have read your cars owner’s manual to get a good indication of when your car will need the necessary oil changes.

car oil change

Another way in which your car can quickly depreciate in value is by leaving it exposed to the outdoor elements for long periods of time. If you can, try and park your car undercover, this will decrease the chance of long term damage to your car’s body. Too much wind, rain and sunrays can all damage your vehicle’s paint job, so make the effort to keep your car protected. Investing in a car cover is also a good option, for those who don’t have access to a garage.

car cover

car parking undercover

A lot of our South African roads are decorated with potholes and other substances that can harm your tyres, so get into the habit of checking your tyres more often. If your tyres are under-inflated it can cost you precious fuel, and if they are too pumped up then you could be putting your safety at risk as your tyres can wear out faster. Make sure that your tyre tread is at the right depth, don’t take for granted that your tyres will last forever, as rubber, like any other material will weaken and perish over time.

tyre tread

Unlike 10 years ago, today’s cars are manufactured to go many more kilometres without maintenance, and designed to go further with less oil changes. Familiarise yourself with your car’s engine and ensure that you know how to look after it properly, and it will return the favour to look after you.

If you’re looking for a low maintenance vehicle, then visit for good deals on cars in your area.

Struan Langlands

Digital Marketing Channel Co-ordinator @ Junk Mail Publishing. My family, work, cars and sport are the 4 things that I am most passionate about and motivate me. I am a full blooded Petrol Head and always ready for a sport debate. "The day you think there is no improvements to be made is a sad one for any player." ~Lionel Messi

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