Auto Mart Blog

The New Google Self-Driving Car

Google Self Driving Car

How we love and envy the giant we know as Google. Google has transformed the way we live, do business and interact. Without Google the world would definitely be a very different place. In the past decade Google has launched some innovative and classy technology, from the foundation of the search engine to Google glasses and much more. But now, Google has gone one step further: They are breaking into the car market to take on giants such as Toyota and VW. Google launched their Google car on 28 May and yesterday the car has been legalised to drive on the roads in the UK.

So what makes this car so different to the others? For starters it has got no steering wheel and it has no breaks. This is one of the reasons why countries such as the UK were reluctant to allow it to drive on their roads. However, the Google car has proven its worth and, besides being allowed to drive now on UK roads, California is soon to follow suite with the first license for self-driving cars to be issued this year in September.

The technology behind making this car operate is absolutely brilliant, albeit the sad, very sad exterior. As Google pointed out, the vehicle will be very basic, but will operate with various sensors and a mapping system to determine the route of the vehicle. GPS and the mapping system will guide the vehicle on the root and the computerised car will even stop and park itself. All that the driver has to do is push a start button.

Google says that the aim of building these types of self-driving vehicles is to “shoulder the entire burden of driving…..Seniors can keep their freedom even if they can’t keep their car keys. And drunk and distracted driving? History.”  History, is definitely what Google is aiming to change and once again the social impact of Google’s product may change the way we interact completely, not just with vehicles but with each other on the road. Will this lower stress levels in traffic? Will it increase alcohol consumption since you are no longer a “drunk driver”. How will it impact road laws? Only time will tell. Until then, what do you think? Absolutely brilliant, or a social nightmare in the making? Let us know…

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